Black Country Geological Society
50th Anniversary Competition
The Black Country Geological Society is celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2025! The Society was originally formed to raise awareness of geology and help preserve and maintain important geological sites around the Black Country.
We want your help to spread information about the geology of the Black Country, including the fossils that we can find locally, the historical importance of the mines, quarries and caves, and interesting rock formations. All you need to do is create an A4 or A3 poster that celebrates one (or more) of the areas above. The poster could include a drawing or painting; poem; scientific discussions; or a retelling of your stories about the rocks, fossils and caves.
There are three age categories:
- 5-10
- 11-18
- 18+
The winner of each category will receive a prize and also have their work on display during our celebration event that is taking place on 5th July at Dudley Archives. (Depending on the room – we may also display runners-up as well.)
The prizes for each group are:
5-10 – Activity Kit
11-17 – Intro Geology Kit
18+ – £50
The deadline for submissions is the 1st June 2025.
1. The purpose of the competition is to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Black Country Geological Society.
2. The subject for the poster is to celebrate the local rocks, fossils, mines and caves in the Black Country.
3. Entries must relate to geology in the Black Country (Metropolitan District Council areas of Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton).
4. Each entrant may submit only one poster.
5. The size of the poster is to be either A4 or A3, Either Landscape or Portrait.
6. The competition is open to UK residents only. BCGS committee members and their immediate families are not eligible to enter.
7. Entrants must be within the age brackets at the time of submission.
8. Each entry must be marked with the entrant’s name.
9. Entries should be sent as email attachments to Dakota Johnson at, with your name and age in the subject header.
10. The closing date is 1st June 2025.
11. All entries need to be digital.
12. All entries will be judged by a panel of judges. The judges will select the winner for each age category.
13. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence can be entered into.
14. All entries must be original work and must not have been previously published. The entrants must be the sole copyright owner in all photos entered and must have obtained permission from any people featured in the entries.
15. By entering the competition, entrants grant the right for the Black Country Geological Society to exhibit the poster at the Dudley Archives from July 2025 until July 2026. Finalists agree to take part in post-competition publicity.
16. By entering, entrants agree with the above rules.